Can at-home beauty devices deliver professional results?
Now, most of us are working from home and generally leave it less often than usual. In addition to maintaining a positive attitude during this period, why not implement several care schemes at home? Modern cosmetics and technologies allow you to carry out at-home procedures, the effectiveness of which is comparable to salon procedures. There’s a lot you can do on your own. Besides the time itself, all you need is a little effort and the right tools.
Many women need to pay more attention to the health and condition of their skin, but there is not always an opportunity to use the services of a beautician for professional care. What we’re going to be talking about is different from our everyday beauty routine, although the principles and basics are the same. This is a more thorough and profound form of care that we cannot afford every day because of a lack of time.

Basic understanding
If you start to understand the meaning of facial care, it becomes quite quickly clear: it is not so much what cosmetics you choose, but how you use them. Regular basic care, which allows you to get the maximum profit with a minimum of effort, as it turns out, consists offour steps: cleansing, exfoliation, moisturizing, and protection. The latter two can easily be combined into one. We were talking about that a lot in our previous articles.
Talking about aging skin, we have to remind ourselves about the features of anti-aging facial cosmetic composition for 40+
Beauty products for this age should contain several basic elements that will help:
- Even texture and color;
- Increase the rate of humidification;
- Contour.
To make the skin look healthy and fresh, you need to be more careful about caring for it. Cosmetics should contain amino acids, peptides, retinoids, natural oils, and antioxidants. Hyaluronic acid is the main component, and vitamin concentrations are also included in sufficient amounts. This rule also applies to the step-by-step care of the male person after 40, the stages of which coincide with the female system of beauty and health.
Salon beauty treatments for the face at home
Despite the careful treatment of all recommendations at home, other cosmetic procedures are also necessary. At the same time, it is not necessary to focus on urgent measures. Prevention is always better than cure. So, options that can help improve blood flow, remove irritation and inflammation, remove wrinkles, strengthen the oval, eliminate flab, and align your skin tone are more essential than you might think.
- Massage for lymphatic drainage;
- Microcurrent therapy with the Lumia devices;
- Peeling with fruit acids
- Ice therapy (if allowed)
The same procedures will help effectively with aged skin after 40. Specialists take into account the specifics and change the intensity of the impact.
Salon care is an option, no doubt, pleasant and useful, but not always available for one reason or another. The modern pace of life forces us to abandon salon beauty treatments. Still, due to the variety of care facilities, many procedures are available at home without wasting time on the road and spending a lot of money.
If you need a professional consultation about the rejuvenation gadgets by the Lumia, please send us a message through the site form.