How can I remove wrinkles from face at home?
Skin aging is a natural process, and small wrinkles around the eyes should not keep women from being happy. But still, love for ourselves is inseparable from care for our bodies, so we strive to slow down the aging process. Is it worth the effort? In our new material, you will learn how to remove wrinkles at home or, at least, significantly reduce them at home.

What causes wrinkles?
Dehydration: wrinkles on dry skin can appear at any age due to impaired hydro balance and trans-epidermal water loss by cells. It is possible to get rid of dehydration wrinkles quickly by applying deep moisture to the epidermis and preventing moisture evaporation.
Photoaging: Negative exposure to ultraviolet light damages epidermal cells and provokes oxidative stress. The prevention of photoaging will be the regular use of SPF filters.
Harmful habits: like smoking, sugar and alcohol abuse also affect the condition and quality of the skin, causing early aging. As a result, the epidermis loses tone and freshness; the relief of the face becomes uneven; the pleasant natural tone fades.
Lack of sleep and anxiety: stimulate the production of a stress hormone (cortisol), which inhibits the synthesis of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid and provokes early signs of aging.
Active facial expressions: the first creases appear in the areas of most muscular activity, for example, in the corners of the eyes, on the forehead, and between the eyebrows. With age, without sufficient care, facial wrinkles become static and more complicated to deal with.
Chronological aging: after 20 years, fibroblast cells become less susceptible to the synthesis of new collagen, which is responsible for the skin's elasticity. The production of natural hyaluronic acid decreases, and skin regeneration processes slow down.
It is impossible to stop the natural aging of the skin completely, but slowing it down and reducing the severity of wrinkles will be achieved by following a complex anti-aging beauty routine.
Home remedies for aging skin:
- Eat regularly and stick to a more varied diet. Nutritionists recommend getting vitamins from fruits and vegetables.
- Do sports. It is not necessary to run marathons - 20 minutes of yoga or Pilates a day will strengthen the muscles, which will positively affect the skin's condition.
- Try to get some sleep. 7-9 hours of sound sleep are mandatory.
- Learn the basics of face building. Self-massage removes hypertonic facial muscles and speeds up local microcirculation.
- Add beauty gadgets to your beauty routine. Radio Frequency technology and Medical LED Technology are new words in medicine. This type of skin exposure has a proven rejuvenating effect and is approved by the FDA. Check out the Lumia product line of skin rejuvenation gadgets.
Even the most effective home remedies to get rid of wrinkles or superficial facial lines cannot cope alone. Don't forget to follow the steps of your everyday beauty routine and add the anti-wrinkle facial tools to stay fresh and young!